Display Covid-19 Data Using Maker Pi Pico and CircuitPython

Display Covid-19 Data Using Maker Pi Pico and CircuitPython


Let's try to build a device to display Covid-19 data in Malaysia.


Hardware Preparation

This is the list of items used in the video.

Sample Program

This is CircuitPython sample program and have been tested with CircuitPython 6.3.0. Before that, please include the following additional libraries:

  • adafruit_bus_device
  • adafruit_esp32spi
  • adafruit_requests.mpy

You may download the CircuitPython Libraries Bundle here.


Thank You


Thanks for reading this tutorial. If you have any technical inquiries, please post at Cytron Technical Forum.

"Please be reminded, this tutorial is prepared for you to try and learn.
You are encouraged to improve the code for a better application."

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