IRIV PiControl - Remote Control With VNC Viewer

IRIV PiControl - Remote Control With VNC Viewer

Welcome back to the IRIV PiControl tutorial series, in this part, we'll explore how to remote control your IRIV PiControl using VNC Viewer. We'll walk you through two distinct methods: the Standard setup, involving direct interaction, and the Headless Setup, providing a seamless way to control your Raspberry Pi without the need for a physical display.



Method 1: Standard Setup (Direct Interaction)


Start by connecting IRIV PiControl to your monitor using HDMI cable



At the top right corner, click on the WiFi icon, set WiFi country, then disable WiFi, and then enable it again.



Connect to your network



At the top left corner, click on the Raspberry Pi icon, then open Raspberry Pi Configuration



Under Interfaces section, enable VNC



At the top right corner, click on the VNC Viewer icon. A window will pop up that shows your Raspberry Pi's IP address.



Now, switch to your laptop/PC to remote control your Raspberry Pi. Open VNC Viewer (Download here) and type in the IP address.



Use the following credential to login .. 

Username: pi

Password: raspberry



Process done successfully.



Method 2: Headless Setup

Use a USB-C cable designed for data transfer and connect one end to IRIV PiControl and the other end to your laptop or PC.



Open Device Manager and locate the Ports list, after connecting IRIV to your laptop/PC, a new COM port should be detected



Use a terminal software such as Putty (Download here) to connect to this COM port.

for the Connection type, select (Serial)

type in the detected PORT (COM8)

and change the baudrate speed to (115200)




Press Enter, then use the following credential to login ..


Username: pi


Password: raspberry



Now, you are successfully connected to the IRIV PiControl terminal



To proceed and prepare the IRIV to be ready for your use we need to disable Demo Mode and set up WiFi.

Run this command from the console to disable the autorun service for Node-RED:

sudo systemctl disable nodered.service



Run this command to list out the available WiFi network:

sudo nmcli dev wifi list



Use this command to connect to the WiFi network:

sudo nmcli --ask dev wifi connect (SSID)

Replace the (SSID) with your WiFi network name.

Enter the password when prompted.



After IRIV is successfully connected to WiFi, run the following command to open the configuration tool:


sudo raspi-config



Using arrow keys, go to “Interface Options” and press Enter



Enable VNC



VNC is now enabled.



Run this command to view the IP address:





We will use this IP address to control IRIV via VNC Viewer



Now, switch to your laptop/PC to remote control your Raspberry Pi. Open VNC Viewer (Download here) and type in the IP address.



Use the following credential to login .. 

Username: pi

Password: raspberry



Process done successfully.


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